Know what you want, BELIEVE you can get it!
For most of the 1990’s, I was 150-160 lbs (I am about 5.1 ft) and I thought that was just fine for me. I convinced myself that I was ‘big boned’. I played hockey and had a gym membership! I never really pushed myself until after my second child was born (2007). I started exploring the ‘what if’ and began to inspire myself to improve my health by EATING CLEAN and having a routine of DIRTY WORKOUTS! For the past 6 years, my weight has stayed at 124-125 lbs and I feel great. No need for crazy diets and/or spending over an hour at the gym every day. The first three ‘small’ things I changed in my daily nutrition were: cut the 3 teaspoons of sugar I used put in my coffee and tea! (yes, you read correct! 3 teaspoons!); avoid eating past 8 p.m.; and stop drinking regular milk (this one is not for everyone, but I love the way my body feels without drinking cow milk).
Now as a fitness professional, I am in the pursuit of inspiring and assisting others to reach improved health and overall wellness through exercise and sound nutrition. I have also become a Wellness Coach with NeoLife. A 60 year old international company with an impeccable safe track record. NeoLife manufactures whole food products that are aligned with my health/wellness philosophy: Health begins at the cellular level. Click on the link below to find out more about the products that help me and my family with Health & Energy! Since 1958, Based in Nature, Backed by Science.
Nutrition/Fitness work hand in hand > NeoLife/Your Trainer Ada = RESULTS!
What is Wellness anyway?
Wellness is enhanced quality of life, personal growth, and potential through positive lifestyle behaviours
and attitudes. If we take responsibility for our own health and well-being, we can improve our health on a daily basis.
From a positive thought to a healthy Lifestyle
Thoughts become ACTIONS
Picture this: you are at work, it’s 3 pm and you want a snack! You grab some change, go to the vending machine and
are confronted with a variety of high-calorie, low-nutrition snacks.
You have two options:
a) get one and go on with your afternoon, OR
b) turn right back to your desk and eat that apple that has been sitting there for the past two days!
If you chose option b) CONGRATULATIONS! You are on your way to success!
Actions become BEHAVIOUR
Next day, you are faced with the same scenario at 3 p.m. However, you don’t even reach for the change because you
brought another apple from home. So you eat it. This is SO EMPOWERING! If you repeat this ACTION, it will transform
into your new BEHAVIOUR!
Behaviour becomes LIFE STYLE
For the past 2 weeks, you have not bought anything from the vending machine!. Your repetitive behaviour and the way
you handle that ‘snack attack’ will eventually become your new LIFESTYLE.
It takes approx. 21 days to either create or change a habit.
It taxes approx. 3 months to change a behaviour.
Small Sustainable Changes go a long way
• Lower/avoid added sugar/salt
• Eat your last meal at least 2hrs before your bed time
• Kids’ left-overs go in the garbage!
• Get at least 6-7 hours of sleep
Restrictive Diets don’t work!
In fact, they will probably make you fatter in the long run.
Eating 3 healthy meals a day and keeping your portion sizes at a reasonable amount virtually eliminates calorie counting.
If you need a snack in between meals, reach for a good carb/protein combo such as fruit/nuts/seeds and veggies/hummus. Drink LOTS OF WATER.
The NeoLife Protein Shakes can help you loose weight as they are a well-balanced meal replacement or for weight management. They are safe for you and the whole family!
KNOW what you want, BELIEVE you can get it!
Know what you want, BELIEVE you can get it!
For most of the 1990’s, I was 150-160 lbs (I am about 5.1 ft) and I thought that was just fine for me. I convinced myself that I was ‘big boned’. I played hockey and had a gym membership! I never really pushed myself until after my second child was born (2007). I started exploring the ‘what if’ and began to inspire myself to improve my health by EATING CLEAN and having a routine of DIRTY WORKOUTS! For the past 6 years, my weight has stayed at 124-125 lbs and I feel great. No need for crazy diets and/or spending over an hour at the gym every day. The first three ‘small’ things I changed in my daily nutrition were: cut the 3 teaspoons of sugar I used put in my coffee and tea! (yes, you read correct! 3 teaspoons!); avoid eating past 8 p.m.; and stop drinking regular milk (this one is not for everyone, but I love the way my body feels without drinking cow milk).
Now as a fitness professional, I am in the pursuit of inspiring and assisting others to reach improved health and overall wellness through exercise and sound nutrition. I have also become a Wellness Coach with NeoLife. A 60 year old international company with an impeccable safe track record. NeoLife manufactures whole food products that are aligned with my health/wellness philosophy: Health begins at the cellular level. Click on the link below to find out more about the products that help me and my family with Health & Energy! Since 1958, Based in Nature, Backed by Science.
Nutrition/Fitness work hand in hand > NeoLife/Your Trainer Ada = RESULTS!
What is Wellness anyway?
Wellness is enhanced quality of life, personal growth, and potential through positive lifestyle behaviours
and attitudes. If we take responsibility for our own health and well-being, we can improve our health on a daily basis.
From a positive thought to a healthy Lifestyle
Thoughts become ACTIONS
Picture this: you are at work, it’s 3 pm and you want a snack! You grab some change, go to the vending machine and
are confronted with a variety of high-calorie, low-nutrition snacks.
You have two options:
a) get one and go on with your afternoon, OR
b) turn right back to your desk and eat that apple that has been sitting there for the past two days!
If you chose option b) CONGRATULATIONS! You are on your way to success!
Actions become BEHAVIOUR
Next day, you are faced with the same scenario at 3 p.m. However, you don’t even reach for the change because you
brought another apple from home. So you eat it. This is SO EMPOWERING! If you repeat this ACTION, it will transform
into your new BEHAVIOUR!
Behaviour becomes LIFE STYLE
For the past 2 weeks, you have not bought anything from the vending machine!. Your repetitive behaviour and the way
you handle that ‘snack attack’ will eventually become your new LIFESTYLE.
It takes approx. 21 days to either create or change a habit.
It taxes approx. 3 months to change a behaviour.
Small Sustainable Changes go a long way
• Lower/avoid added sugar/salt
• Eat your last meal at least 2hrs before your bed time
• Kids’ left-overs go in the garbage!
• Get at least 6-7 hours of sleep
Restrictive Diets don’t work!
In fact, they will probably make you fatter in the long run.
Eating 3 healthy meals a day and keeping your portion sizes at a reasonable amount virtually eliminates calorie counting.
If you need a snack in between meals, reach for a good carb/protein combo such as fruit/nuts/seeds and veggies/hummus. Drink LOTS OF WATER.
The NeoLife Protein Shakes can help you loose weight as they are a well-balanced meal replacement or for weight management. They are safe for you and the whole family!
KNOW what you want, BELIEVE you can get it!